Welcome to Arty's Wisdom!

The purpose of this website is to provide people with helpful guidance and advice for any of life's situations. 

Whether you need some tips on relationships, business, or perhaps just wish to know which kind of computer you should buy, I am here to answer absolutely any of your questions with my unique brand of wisdom and insight.
How it works
At a price of $15, I will devote a minimum of one hour to compose a detailed and in depth answer to any of your personal questions.
I will accept a maximum of inquiries per day during Monday - Friday.
All inquiries must be submitted before 5pm (EST), and will recieve a guaranteed reply by 7pm that same day.
Arty's Wisdom
Slots available
I strive to keep this service as simple and convenient as       possible, though here are some basic guidelines.
Please do not submit material that is illegal, vulgar, or offensive. If I find that your inquiry does not follow this guideline, your purchase will simply be refunded.
To make sure others have a chance to ask a question, you are limited to one inquiry per day.
Be specific! The more you tell me about your specific situation, the better I can answer your question. Details are helpful, though please limit your inquiry to a page or less. 
All inquiries will be kept absolutely private and confidential. After your question has been answered, all communications will be deleted. 
Please be reasonable with your questions, there are obviously some ultra-technical questions regarding complex physics or religion that I simply do not have the answers to. If I find your question to be beyond my means, you will simply receive a swift refund.
A little about myself

My name is Arty Chilingarov and I live in LancasterPennsylvania.

My interests: Everything.  

Since about age 16 I spent many hours a day studying a vast veriety of scientific,
philosophical, and religious topics. By the time I reached my current age of 28, 
my relentlless cutiousity and fascination with the universe has provided me with 
an extreme degree of insight about the complex dynamics of our world. 

I idolize integrity, purity, benevolence, generosity, justice, and love.

I believe in reliableconcise, and unbiased information, which is exactly what I take pride in delivering to my clients.

I take my advice very seriously, and put a great amount of focus into providing an exeptionaly quality service to each and every person. 

Since this website mainly serves a local community, I won't give a long sales pitch about why you should choose my services, though I will share a little about my life.